Show Table

Column Verbose Name Type Business Data Type Groupable Filterable Is temporal Extra
age_15 None DOUBLE PRECISION None None
age_18 None DOUBLE PRECISION None None
year BIGINT None None
age_group TEXT None None
date TEXT None None
Record Count: 5
Metric Verbose Name Type Extra
avg__age_15 None avg None
avg__age_18 None avg None
avg__year None avg None
count COUNT(*) count None
sum__age_15 None sum None
sum__age_18 None sum None
sum__year None sum None
Record Count: 7
Table Name indicator5_19_cdhs_data_updated
Sql None
Enable Filter Select False
Fetch Values Predicate None
Database UNICEF Cambodia
Schema None
Description None
Owners [Ona ]
Main Datetime Column None
Default Endpoint None
Offset 0
Cache Timeout None
SQL Lab View False
Template parameters None
Extra None
Normalize Columns True
Always Filter Main Dttm False
Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[indicator5_19_cdhs_data_updated](id:57)
Associated Charts [Percentage of teenager age 15-19 who have begun childbearing, Percentage of women and girls aged 20-24 years who gave birth by age 18, ភាគរយនៃស្រ្តីនិងកុមារីអាយុចន្លោះ១៥-១៩ឆ្នាំដែលបានសំរាលកូន, ភាគរយនៃស្រ្តីអាយុចន្លោះ២០-២៤ឆ្នាំដែលបានសំរាលកូនមុនអាយុ ១៨ឆ្នាំ, Percentage of teenager age 15-19 who have begun childbearing, Percentage of women and girls aged 20-24 years who gave birth by age 18]