Show Table

Column Verbose Name Type Business Data Type Groupable Filterable Is temporal Extra
decription None STRING None None
indicator None STRING None None
indicator_id None STRING None None
percentage None FLOAT None None
short_names None STRING None None
source None STRING None None
sub_indicator None STRING None None
value None FLOAT None None
Record Count: 8
Metric Verbose Name Type Extra
count None None None
Record Count: 1
Table Name Samson Amwata-Query 4_2_nis_violence_summary-85HoWeVjy
Sql -- Note: Unless you save your query, these tabs will NOT persist if you clear your cookies or change browsers. SELECT COALESCE(indicator_no,indicator_old) as indicator_id,indicator,sub_indicator,short_names,decription,source,value,percentage FROM( SELECT indicator_no::VARCHAR as indicator_old, CAST(CASE WHEN indicator_no = '5.1' AND decription IS NOT NULL THEN '5.10' ELSE NULL END AS VARCHAR) AS indicator_no, CASE WHEN sub_indicator = 'a) Percentage of women age 20–24 years old who were first married or in union by age 18 ' THEN 'By age 18' WHEN sub_indicator = 'b) Percentage of women age 20–24 years old who were first married or in union by age 18 and by age 15' THEN 'By age 15' WHEN sub_indicator = 'a) Percentage of women and girls aged 15–19 years who gave birth before 15 years of age' THEN 'Age 15-19' WHEN sub_indicator = 'b) Percentage of women aged 20–24 years who gave birth before 18 years of age' THEN 'Before age 18' ELSE NULL END AS short_names,sub_indicator, indicator,decription,source,value,percentage FROM summary.domain_five_summary_table)foo
Enable Filter Select False
Fetch Values Predicate None
Database UNICEF Cambodia
Schema khmer
Description None
Owners [Ona ]
Main Datetime Column None
Default Endpoint None
Offset 0
Cache Timeout None
SQL Lab View False
Template parameters {}
Extra None
Normalize Columns True
Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[Samson Amwata-Query 4_2_nis_violence_summary-85HoWeVjy](id:175)
Associated Charts [5.19 Early childbearing rate , 5.13 Child marriage rate ]