Show Table

Column Verbose Name Type Business Data Type Groupable Filterable Is temporal Extra
value None FLOAT None None
full_indicator None STRING None None
indicator None STRING None None
indicator_khmer None STRING None None
source None STRING None None
Record Count: 5
Metric Verbose Name Type Extra
count None None None
Record Count: 1
Table Name Samson Amwata-Untitled Query 2-xPlxYRAIP
Sql -- Note: Unless you save your query, these tabs will NOT persist if you clear your cookies or change browsers. SELECT indicator as full_indicator, CASE WHEN indicator = 'Children 0-4 years' THEN 'a.0-4 Years' WHEN indicator = 'Children 5-9 years' THEN 'b.5-9 Years' WHEN indicator = 'Children 10-17 years' THEN 'c.10-17 Years' WHEN indicator = 'Percentage of children under 18 living with at least one biological parent' THEN 'Leaving with at least one biological parent' WHEN indicator = 'Percentage of children under 18 who have lost both parents' THEN 'Lost both parents' WHEN indicator = 'Percentage of children under 18 who have lost one parent' THEN 'Lost one parent' ELSE indicator END AS indicator, CASE WHEN indicator = 'Children 0-4 years' THEN 'a.0-4 Years' WHEN indicator = 'Children 5-9 years' THEN 'b.5-9 Years' WHEN indicator = 'Children 10-17 years' THEN 'c.10-17 Years' WHEN indicator = 'Percentage of children under 18 living with at least one biological parent' THEN 'កំពុងរស់នៅយ៉ាងហោចណាស់​ជាមួយឪពុក ឬម្ដាយបង្កើត' WHEN indicator = 'Percentage of children under 18 who have lost both parents' THEN 'បានបាត់បង់ឪពុក ឬម្ដាយ' WHEN indicator = 'Percentage of children under 18 who have lost one parent' THEN 'បានបាត់បង់ទាំងឪពុក និងម្ដាយ' ELSE indicator END AS indicator_khmer, value,source FROM summary.demographics_data_table
Enable Filter Select False
Fetch Values Predicate None
Database UNICEF Cambodia
Schema khmer
Description None
Owners [Ona ]
Main Datetime Column None
Default Endpoint None
Offset 0
Cache Timeout None
SQL Lab View False
Template parameters {}
Extra None
Normalize Columns True
Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[Samson Amwata-Untitled Query 2-xPlxYRAIP](id:172)
Associated Charts [ភាគរយនៃកុមារអាយុក្រោម ១៨ឆ្នាំ]