Show Table

Column Verbose Name Type Business Data Type Groupable Filterable Is temporal Extra
year None DATETIME None None
Ever None FLOAT None None
Often None FLOAT None None
Sometimes None FLOAT None None
often_sometimes None FLOAT None None
khmer_updated None STRING None None
type None STRING None None
form_of_violence None STRING None None
Record Count: 8
Metric Verbose Name Type Extra
count None None None
Record Count: 1
Table Name Samson Amwata-Query indicator5_12_data-P7oiEOW88
Sql SELECT "Form of violence" as form_of_violence, "Ever", "Often", "Sometimes", "Often or sometimes" as often_sometimes, year, type, CASE WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Forced her with threats or in any other way to perform sexual acts she did not want to' THEN 'គំរាមឱ្យធ្វើសកម្មភាពផ្លូវភេទ' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Slapped her' THEN 'ទះកំផ្លៀង' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Physically forced her to perform any other sexual acts she did not want to' THEN 'បង្ខំឱ្យធ្វើសកម្មភាពផ្លូវភេទ' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Physically forced her to have sexual intercourse with him when she did not want to' THEN 'ខាងរាងកាយបង្ខំនាងឱ្យរួមភេទជាមួយគាត់នៅពេលនាងមិនចង់' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Tried to choke her or burn her on purpose' THEN 'ធ្វើឱ្យឈ្លក់/ដុត' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Any physical violence' THEN 'អំពើហិង្សាផ្លូវកាយ' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Pushed her, shook her, or threw something at her' THEN 'រុញ/អង្រួន/គប់' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Punched her with his fist or with something that could hurt her' THEN 'ដាល់' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Twisted her arm or pulled her hair' THEN 'កាច់ដៃឬបោចសក់' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Threatened her or attacked her with a knife, gun, or other weapon' THEN 'គំរាម/ប្រើកាំបិត/អាវុធ' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Kicked her, dragged her, or beat her up' THEN 'ទាត់/ចាប់អូស' WHEN "Form of violence" = 'Any sexual violence' THEN 'អំពើហិង្សាផ្លូវភេទ' END as khmer_updated FROM indicator5_12_data
Enable Filter Select False
Fetch Values Predicate None
Database UNICEF Cambodia
Schema khmer
Description None
Owners [Ona ]
Main Datetime Column None
Default Endpoint None
Offset 0
Cache Timeout None
SQL Lab View False
Template parameters {}
Extra None
Normalize Columns True
Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[Samson Amwata-Query indicator5_12_data-P7oiEOW88](id:114)
Associated Charts [ធ្លាប់ទទួលរងអំពើហិង្សាផ្លូវកាយជាបន្តបន្ទាប់, ធ្លាប់ទទួលរងអំពើហិង្សាផ្លូវភេទជាបន្តបន្ទាប់]