Column | Verbose Name | Type | Business Data Type | Groupable | Filterable | Is temporal | Extra | |
Unnamed: 1 | TEXT | None | None | |||||
level | None | TEXT | None | None | ||||
Male | None | DOUBLE PRECISION | None | None | ||||
Female | None | DOUBLE PRECISION | None | None | ||||
Total | None | BIGINT | None | None |
Metric | Verbose Name | Type | Extra | |
count | COUNT(*) | None | None | |
avg__Male | None | None | None | |
sum__Female | None | None | None | |
sum__Male | None | None | None | |
sum__Total | None | None | None | |
avg__Total | None | None | None | |
avg__Female | None | None | None |
Table Name | domain_tow_change_table |
Sql | None |
Enable Filter Select | False |
Fetch Values Predicate | None |
Database | UNICEF Cambodia |
Schema | None |
Description | None |
Owners | [Ona ] |
Main Datetime Column | None |
Default Endpoint | None |
Offset | 0 |
Cache Timeout | None |
SQL Lab View | False |
Template parameters | None |
Extra | None |
Normalize Columns | True |
Always Filter Main Dttm | False |
Perm | [UNICEF Cambodia].[domain_tow_change_table](id:103) |
Associated Charts | [Number of social workers at National level, Number of social workers at Provincial level, Number of social workers at Commune level, បុគ្គលិកសេវាសង្គម, Number of social workers at Commune level, Provincial Level, Commune Level, Number of social workers at Provincial level, ចំនួនបុគ្គលិកសង្គមនៅថ្នាក់ជាតិ, ចំនួនបុគ្គលិកសង្គមនៅថ្នាក់ក្រុង ស្រុក ខណ្ឌ, ចំនួនបុគ្គលិកសង្គមនៅថ្នាក់ឃុំ សង្កាត់, National Level, District level, Commune Level, Number of social workers at District level, Social Service Workers, National Level, District level, Social Service Workers, Number of social workers at National level, Number of social workers at District level, Provincial Level, ចំនួនបុគ្គលិកសង្គមនៅថ្នាក់រាជធានី ខេត្ត] |