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to falling into harm and any risks can be addressed in time.", "height": 10, "width": 12 }, "parents": [ "ROOT_ID", "GRID_ID", "ROW-PAA3xuv2Md" ], "type": "MARKDOWN" }, "MARKDOWN-cyhxlUZee1": { "children": [], "id": "MARKDOWN-cyhxlUZee1", "meta": { "code": "### Domain 5: Scale of problems and risk factors \nThis domain focuses on indicators around the population characteristics defining the scope of child protection service requirements.", "height": 10, "width": 12 }, "parents": [ "ROOT_ID", "GRID_ID", "ROW-rjn1Cw3CXb" ], "type": "MARKDOWN" }, "MARKDOWN-jWLz0sHJiF": { "children": [], "id": "MARKDOWN-jWLz0sHJiF", "meta": { "code": "<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n<div style=\"text-align:center\">\n<img src =\"\" height=\"180\" height =\"180\" />\n</div>\n\n\n", "height": 45, "width": 2 }, "parents": [ "ROOT_ID", "GRID_ID", "ROW-y_NKfMpiE" ], "type": "MARKDOWN" }, "MARKDOWN-nyz-3C5BfR": { "children": [], "id": "MARKDOWN-nyz-3C5BfR", "meta": { "code": "<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n<div 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Published True
Charts ['Indicators', '4.3. Offenders arrested on offenses against children', '5.16 Children growing up in prison', '5.13 Child marriage rate ', '5.19 Early childbearing rate ', 'Indicators', 'Indicators', '2.1. Number of social service workers ', '2.1. Number of social service workers per admin level ', 'Indicators', 'Total number of children', 'Children by age group', 'Percentage of children under 18', '2.4 Percentage of commune budget for social services ', 'Indicators', '4.11 Children having child protection concerns received child protection and/or social services', '4.1 Children seeking help for violence', '5.2 Attitude toward wife beating', '5.4 Children living in poor households ']