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Last Saved By Ona
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Table khmer.indicator2_5_aggregate_khmer
Created By Ona
Changed By Ona
Uuid 5f83e1e2-5bd1-81a4-7e28-82e505819580
Created On 2021-11-22 12:41:21.578834
Changed On 2021-11-22 12:41:21.578845
Name ថវិកាម្ចាស់ជំនួយសរុប​ទៅតាមសកម្មភាព
Datasource Id 140
Datasource Type table
Datasource Name khmer.indicator2_5_aggregate_khmer
Visualization Type table
Parameters {"datasource": "3502__table", "viz_type": "table", "slice_id": 18485, "url_params": {}, "granularity_sqla": null, "time_grain_sqla": "P1D", "time_range": "Last week", "groupby": ["activity type khmer", "Total Budget", "Donor khmer"], "metrics": [], "percent_metrics": [], "timeseries_limit_metric": null, "row_limit": 10000, "include_time": false, "order_desc": true, "all_columns": [], "order_by_cols": [], "adhoc_filters": [{"expressionType": "SIMPLE", "subject": "Type of activity or programme by donors or development partners", "operator": "IS NOT NULL", "comparator": "", "clause": "WHERE", "sqlExpression": null, "fromFormData": true, "filterOptionName": "filter_lhepsmzpm9k_hhsm8lpzeok"}, {"expressionType": "SQL", "sqlExpression": "\"Type of activity or programme by donors or development partners\" <> 'Total budget for child protection' AND \"Type of activity or programme by donors or development partners\" <> 'Total budget for development'\nAND \"Type of activity or programme by donors or development partners\" <>'% of donors budget for child protection'", "clause": "WHERE", "subject": null, "operator": null, "comparator": null, "fromFormData": true, "filterOptionName": "filter_75va3nu30qn_fxuwob1rfs"}], "table_timestamp_format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "page_length": 0, "include_search": false, "table_filter": false, "align_pn": false, "color_pn": true, "remote_id": 18485, "datasource_name": "indicator2_5_aggregate_khmer", "schema": "khmer", "database_name": "UNICEF Cambodia", "import_time": 1637584674}
Query Context None
Description None
Cache Timeout None
Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[indicator2_5_aggregate_khmer](id:140)
Schema Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[khmer]
Last Saved At 2021-11-22 12:41:21.578845
Certified By None
Certification Details None
Is Managed Externally False
External Url None
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