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Table indicator5_15_data
Created By Ona
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Uuid 1f8fb774-ca96-d012-2314-d6ba7151e6e1
Created On 2021-11-22 11:49:57.890538
Changed On 2021-12-29 08:37:44.376888
Name Type of detention institution
Datasource Id 105
Datasource Type table
Datasource Name indicator5_15_data
Visualization Type dist_bar
Parameters {"adhoc_filters": [{"clause": "WHERE", "comparator": "", "expressionType": "SIMPLE", "filterOptionName": "filter_aznn8ejcn4b_q99514qhas", "fromFormData": true, "operator": "IS NOT NULL", "sqlExpression": null, "subject": "detention_type"}], "bar_stacked": false, "bottom_margin": "5", "color_scheme": "bnbColors", "columns": [], "contribution": false, "datasource": "105__table", "granularity_sqla": null, "groupby": ["detention_type"], "label_colors": {"0-1 Years": "#007A87", "2-4 Years": "#7b0051", "2015": "#b37e00", "2015 Children:": "#00b3a5", "2016": "#bbedab", "2017": "#ffd266", "2018": "#988b4e", "2018 Children:": "#55d12e", "Agriculture": "#8ce071", "Any physical violence": "#ff8083", "Any sexual violence": "#00d1c1", "Both alive": "#cbc29a", "Budget": "#007A87", "Business and financial services": "#cbc29a", "Child Rape": "#ff3339", "Children": "#ffd266", "Children:": "#00d1c1", "Climate change and environment": "#bbedab", "Community and social welfare, including child protection": "#ff3339", "Culture, arts and sports": "#ffd266", "EU/EC": "#b37e00", "Education": "#b4a76c", "Energy power and electricity": "#ff8083", "Ever": "#55d12e", "Father alive": "#ff3339", "Female": "#ff8083", "Forced her with threats or in any other way to perform sexual acts she did not want to": "#8ce071", "Forster and/or Orphans": "#ff5a5f", "Foster": "#7b0051", "Governance and gender": "#cc0086", "Health and HIV and AIDS": "#ffb400", "Human trafficking": "#ff1ab1", "Kicked her, dragged her, or beat her up": "#cc0086", "Level 1": "#00a1b3", "Level 2": "#00ffeb", "Male": "#b4a76c", "Mother alive": "#ff1ab1", "No disability or difficulty": "#8ce071", "Not biological parent": "#00b3a5", "Not living with biological parent": "#005c66", "Often": "#b37e00", "Often or sometimes": "#988b4e", "Others (Tourism, industralisation, ICT, trade)": "#ff1ab1", "Percentage": "#00d1c1", "Physical violence": "#7b0051", "Physically forced her to have sexual intercourse with him when she did not want to": "#ffb400", "Physically forced her to perform any other sexual acts she did not want to": "#b4a76c", "Punched her with his fist or with something that could hurt her": "#00a1b3", "Pushed her, shook her, or threw something at her": "#00ffeb", "RCIs": "#ff5a5f", "Registered": "#bbedab", "Registred": "#cc0086", "Rural": "#ffb400", "Rural development": "#00ffeb", "Sexual exploitation": "#005c66", "Sexual violence": "#007A87", "Single Orphans": "#007A87", "Slapped her": "#bbedab", "Some difficulty": "#ffb400", "Sometimes": "#ff5a5f", "Threatened her or attacked her with a knife, gun, or other weapon": "#ffd266", "Total": "#cbc29a", "Total Budget": "#7b0051", "Total CP Budget": "#ff5a5f", "Transportation": "#00d1c1", "Tried to choke her or burn her on purpose": "#cbc29a", "Twisted her arm or pulled her hair": "#ff3339", "UNDP": "#988b4e", "UNICEF": "#00b3a5", "USAID": "#55d12e", "Urban": "#8ce071", "Urban planning": "#005c66", "Water and sanitation": "#00a1b3", "With Birth Certificate": "#00a1b3", "Without Birth Certificate": "#00ffeb", "a lot of difficulty or cannot do": "#b4a76c", "level1": "#ff8083", "level2": "#cc0086"}, "metrics": [{"aggregate": null, "column": null, "expressionType": "SQL", "fromFormData": true, "hasCustomLabel": true, "label": "Total", "optionName": "metric_5zi9zjdovv7_0xthjvbb22p", "sqlExpression": "SUM(coalesce(\"number\",0))"}], "order_bars": false, "reduce_x_ticks": true, "row_limit": 10000, "show_bar_value": false, "show_controls": false, "show_legend": false, "slice_id": 645, "time_range": "Last week", "url_params": {}, "viz_type": "dist_bar", "x_axis_label": "", "x_ticks_layout": "auto", "y_axis_format": ",", "y_axis_label": ""}
Query Context None
Description None
Cache Timeout None
Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[indicator5_15_data](id:105)
Schema Perm None
Last Saved At 2021-12-29 08:37:44.376888
Certified By None
Certification Details None
Is Managed Externally False
External Url None
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