Last Saved By | Ona |
Owners | [Ona ] |
Tags | [] |
Table | indicator3_2_new_data |
Created By | Ona |
Changed By | Ona |
Uuid | f37a2d34-0b80-9e2c-8d7e-5acdf95bc13d |
Created On | 2022-01-18 12:27:30.985789 |
Changed On | 2022-01-19 07:46:04.934919 |
Name | Percentage of parents/caregivers who think that physical punishment is necessary to raise/educate children |
Datasource Id | 71 |
Datasource Type | table |
Datasource Name | indicator3_2_new_data |
Visualization Type | big_number_total |
Parameters | {"adhoc_filters": [], "database_name": "UNICEF Cambodia", "datasource": "1765__table", "datasource_name": "indicator3_2_new_data", "granularity_sqla": null, "import_time": 1642578313, "metric": {"aggregate": null, "column": null, "expressionType": "SQL", "fromFormData": true, "hasCustomLabel": true, "label": "mop", "optionName": "metric_vw76likw71q_qqhbm59462", "sqlExpression": "SUM(unicef)/100"}, "remote_id": 720, "schema": null, "slice_id": 4743, "subheader": "(Source: UNICEF, Cambodia PROTECT Baseline Survey in five provinces (2019) )", "time_grain_sqla": "P1D", "time_range": "Last week", "url_params": {}, "viz_type": "big_number_total", "y_axis_format": ",.1%"} |
Query Context | None |
Description | None |
Cache Timeout | None |
Perm | [UNICEF Cambodia].[indicator3_2_new_data](id:71) |
Schema Perm | None |
Last Saved At | 2022-01-19 07:46:04.934919 |
Certified By | None |
Certification Details | None |
Is Managed Externally | False |
External Url | None |
Dashboards | [Dashboard<38>, Dashboard<41>] |
Report Schedules | [] |