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Table public.Brian Cheye-domain5_data-d03Koxrhz
Created By Ona
Changed By Ona
Uuid cae75930-1d60-7e0b-6549-66470fff7c07
Created On 2022-01-18 12:27:25.906169
Changed On 2022-01-19 07:46:00.790784
Name Number of children growing up in prison because they are with their parents/caregivers by province
Datasource Id 90
Datasource Type table
Datasource Name public.Brian Cheye-domain5_data-d03Koxrhz
Visualization Type dist_bar
Parameters {"datasource": "1651__table", "viz_type": "dist_bar", "url_params": {}, "granularity_sqla": null, "time_grain_sqla": "P1D", "time_range": "Last week", "metrics": [{"expressionType": "SIMPLE", "column": {"id": 41865, "column_name": "living_prison", "verbose_name": null, "description": null, "expression": "", "filterable": true, "groupby": true, "is_dttm": false, "type": "FLOAT", "database_expression": null, "python_date_format": null, "optionName": "_col_living_prison"}, "aggregate": "SUM", "sqlExpression": null, "hasCustomLabel": true, "fromFormData": true, "label": "prison", "optionName": "metric_xpzigrjzre8_3w070cxrc0t"}], "adhoc_filters": [], "groupby": ["province"], "columns": [], "row_limit": 10000, "contribution": false, "color_scheme": "bnbColors", "show_legend": false, "show_bar_value": false, "bar_stacked": false, "order_bars": false, "y_axis_format": ",", "y_axis_label": "", "show_controls": false, "x_axis_label": "", "bottom_margin": "auto", "x_ticks_layout": "auto", "reduce_x_ticks": false, "remote_id": 649, "datasource_name": "Brian Cheye-domain5_data-d03Koxrhz", "schema": "public", "database_name": "UNICEF Cambodia", "import_time": 1642578313}
Query Context None
Description None
Cache Timeout None
Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[Brian Cheye-domain5_data-d03Koxrhz](id:90)
Schema Perm [UNICEF Cambodia].[public]
Last Saved At 2022-01-19 07:46:00.790784
Certified By None
Certification Details None
Is Managed Externally False
External Url None
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